Class Registration
Apollo Counselors
9th grade Counselor: Harley simondet email address
A-D: Gretchen Vanhauen
email address
E-K: Jessica Glieden
email address
L-P: Rick Larson
email address
Q-Z: Stehanie Ottmar
email address
Steps to 2025-2026 High School
Step 1: Graduation Requirements
Step 2: Credit Check
Step 3: Registration Videos
Step 4: Registration Form
- Class of 2029 Registration form
- Class of 2028 Registration form
- Class of 2027 Registration form
- Class of 2026 Registration form
Step 5: Register in Skyward
- Class of 2029: February 10-13
- Class of 2028: January 23rd
- Class of 2027: January 27th
- Class of 2026: January 30th
Students will register during the school day with their counselors. On registration day, students should bring their Chromebooks and their registration form.